
Thursday, January 10, 2008

Makes me mad....

Have you ever had a teacher who has this favorite student and it is like their pet? Yeah, well I have one this year and it is not woking out so well! My teacher is seriously OBSESSED with not only math, Cammie, a girl in my class. UGH! She always says, oh Cammi, that was so nice, whenever we sing the star spnagled banner in the morning. She also always wants Cammie to be IN with everything. Like when me and my friend Annie were sitting at the table in the front of the room, our teacher said, "No way! Annie and Becca cannot sit together at the front table! How about Cammie, you can go sit with Annie at the front table!" Yeah, you see? Cammie also says things that are NOT true, lies basically. Like on this essay we had to write, I helped my frind Amber. She had some mistakes, and so I corrected them. Also, she needed help to come up with and ending. When we were done, she read it to Cammie. Then Cammie told the teacher (after Amber read it to the class and the teacher praised it) "I was the one who peer editted it with her, and there were some parts that were not right, so I changed them, and all if the mistakes she had I fixed" when I was the one who had done it all! I am over it, and that is only one example of what she does. Also, Nikki, who is your crush? You never told me.



Drama Girl said...

Awesome blog! u go girls!

Anonymous said...
