
Monday, January 14, 2008

I feel bad for Becca

I feel really bad for Becca! She can't hook up with zac. Wanna know why? I bet ya do, well she was already going out with him, but she broke up with him and now she wants to get back together. But we promised each other we wouldn't let a boy get in the way of our friendship, even if he's cute, sporty and funny and nice....where am I going with this! AHH!!!LOL! well anyway, she's in her room. I'm gonna go visit her.


It's hard. I can't make the first step to asking him out. though, lol. but i'm gonna try. WHAT AM I SAYING! I COULD NEVER DO THAT! haha....so many new things. I haven't dated for um...lets say......3 years, I was close to askin this kid dustin out though.....haha. Was I weird back then...