Lol NO MORE IM POSTS! Lolz well at least not for a while anyway, we do them too much, especially Well anyway NO MORE! KK dat all
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Posted by Nikki and Becca Mays at 4:33 PM 1 comments
Monday, January 28, 2008
Chat with my friend Luna
Hi, this is a chat with my friend Luna but her real name is Luanna. Everyone calls her Lune or Luna. This is not my real AIM name like becca said but this is like a REAL convo. she's gonna kill me later but Luna's name is Stellaluna and mine is Nikkalicious, lol.
Stellaaluna:Hey gurl, what up?
Nikkalicious:Oh...,.nothing much...
Nikkalicious: But did u hear....about eliza's secret. I did. I feel so bad.....
Stellaaluna: Me too.
Nikkalicious: I was the last to know
Stellaaluna: I was like....the first....or the last...however you'd say it.....
Nikkalicious: I miss summer camp. I'm going to Camp Cherith this year...
Stellaaluna: Oh..kool..
Nikkalicious: Did you hear about what SHE said?
Stellaaluna: Oh, yeah i did. Can you believe her?...
Nikkalicious: um. yeah. Eliza so evil it's not even funny anymore....not that it was....
Nikkalicious: I'm gonna go for a swim. so bye...
Stellaaluna: R u comin backS?
Nikkalicious: Um...let me think................NO.
Stellaaluna: ok...bye....
Nikkalicious: byeeee...
so thats what i'm going to do. so bye.
Posted by Nikki and Becca Mays at 5:23 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 25, 2008
More and more and more.........
LOL I know you are all probably sick of IM posts, well TOO BAD! They are fun to type!! LOL, read this LAST one I SWEAR! This one is me and my friend Elsey, she is omgelsey45 and I am ttlyttbecks! These are not our REAL screen names, we make them up because it is fun to make them up and because the real ones are confidential! LOL here it is:
omgelsey45: Yo peepa waz up?
ttlyttbecks5: No mush gf!
omgelsey45: u gotta game tomorrow right?
ttlyttbecks5: yea i do! and we r gonna rox sox
omgelsey45: oh ya right u gonna lose u sucka!
ttlyttbecks5: thx 4 da seport u dumb bff
omgelsey45: oh ur welcom3! lolz dork
ttlyttbecks5: ya u r REAL NICE!! :P
omgelsey45: yup........tell me somethin i DONT know! lol LOSER!
ttlyttbecks5: i am a loser....and u r a even BIGGER one!!!! lol
omgelsey45: yup dat is y we r friend cuz we r both weird and i luv u grl!
ttlyttbecks5: okkkkkkk lil too personal!!! lol
omgelsey45: not DAT kinda luv! lol u a freak becca!
ttlyttbecks5: that is what it ssssouuuunded like.......
omgelsey45: OMG! u weirdo person......THING!! lol
ttlyttbecks5: ya well i gtg u DORK!!! lol CU!
Posted by Nikki and Becca Mays at 5:43 PM 1 comments
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Another IM
Talking about IM's are just SO fun, I don't know why, they just are. They are better than a normal post because they are fun to read! This is a sad one kinda, it happened when somethin bad happened to my friend. This one is with me, Becca, and my friend Amelia! :)
Amelia is mizzpurfct, and I am bedabecks
mizzpurfct: Yo Bec waz up?
bedabecks: not mch....u?
mizzpurfct: lol not much for me either sept me bunny die....waaa... :'(
bedabecks: OH! Beverly? I loved her!!! WAA!!!
mizzpurfct: no da other one
bedabecks: u only had one
mizzpurfct: no we got a new one and den it died...waa..his name was Mr. Beverly lol
bedabecks: waa }=( u never told me u gotta new one!! MEANIE!
mizzpurfct: oh becca, someday u will learn! lol i can't tell u stuf because then bad stuff happens because I told you! Like when i told you i gotta new bike, the next day I broke my arm on it!
bedabecks: ya but u didnt tell me about ur bunny and he STILL DIED! Meanie...}=(
mizzpurfct: I am not even gonna go there! lol
bedabecks: mmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeaaaaaaannnnnnnniiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeee
mizzpurfct: Whatev
bedabecks: u da meanest friend EVA!
mizzpurfct: ya I know! ME EVVVVIIILLL!!!
bedabecks: bye bye DEVIL!!
That is one of the LESS strange ones surprisingly! lol!
Posted by Nikki and Becca Mays at 5:02 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Dis is an IM between me and my friend Lola:
lolalicious: Hey becks wat up?
becksamendous: oh....not much
lolalicous: know what i want?
becksamendous: can only
lolalicious: EVERYTHING!!! :P
becksamendous: realllllllllllllllllyyyyy..........interesting...
becksamendous: and how do you suppose u r gonna get it all?
lolalicious: not EVERYTHING!
becksamendous: dat is wat u said!
Posted by Nikki and Becca Mays at 4:52 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 18, 2008
Why i'm ticked like a clock
Maria fits the stereotype popular girl. She's blonde, tall, skinny, green eyes. I hare to say she's super smart and rich. (No this is not Eliza i'm talking about). Seriously! Her bedroom is the size of a 2 floor house smooshed together into 1 floor. Trust me, I used to be her best friend, but Becca hated her so I guess the friendship didn't work out. She always wear applebottom jeans (she got like 21 pairs of em. All in a different style) and really cool designer clothes.
Ashlee has looonnnnggg cascading auburn hair with blue eyes. She's tall, skinny, (hate to say it) but gorgeous. She is really nice down deep on the inside. She is really sporty. some people don't really like her because she can be a little intimidating at first but she is really really nice down deep. She is 1 of my BFF's along with Becca. She is also Maria/ carla's best friend too. So i guess i have to live with it. But Maria makes her act snobby but she is not. So this is a shoutout to u Ashlee! I luv u, u like my sister!
So there u go. Me still ticked like a clock.
Posted by Nikki and Becca Mays at 9:42 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Here we and nikki...just sitting here doing nothing...nothing at all! Lol! We are getting ready to go to basketball practice....yeah we are not doin so well this season....but we still have like five games left....So far our record is 2-4 but the season is not over yet! We are to defeat every team we play from here on out...MWAHAHAHAHAH!!!! }=) *pushes becca off chair* Hey, nikki here. I hope BECCA wasn't disturbing you! Isn't that right becca. Uhm muhm (she made me say that) Well anyway, nikki here, well, Becca and I were talking....well i don't know what to say. *gets up, pushes becca into chair* Hi dis is becks. Ya, well dar is dis really mean teacher at our school named Mrs. Penguin cuz she is mean and grouchy like a penguin and uh.....big...and uh....she waddles. It is not mean to say that because she is SOOO mean to us! Like SOOOO MEAN!!! She had to substitute for our class for like an hour cuz our teach was havin a meetin.......she was SO mean she is like "NO TALKING!!" and we are all like silent.....lolz.....She Is MEAN!!!
Nikki n Becca
Posted by Nikki and Becca Mays at 2:14 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 14, 2008
K here's the deal. An interview with ahhhh i am so weird. (well actually we know him so well we're doing it instead, for him, as friends)
Fave sport: football no duh
Fave food: (lol dis one is funny!) raw cookie dough (eeewww! I have seen him eat it straight from the little container thing and it is gross and Taylor his sister is like, "ah Zac." and he is like, "oh sorry, want some?")
Fave color: Orange and black
Likes: No one at the moment...but kinda nikki n becca
Afraid of: Eliza, moose, not much though
Flirt types : jokes, teases, physically injures (lol he tries not to hurt u though)
umm...i don't know what else to put. Oh yeah, he's obsessed with showing off in front of girls. Eliza thinks it's her, but it's not. He is not like obsessed obsessed and he likes othe things, but he does show off sometimes, but says he doesn't mean to.
~N!kki and Becca
Posted by Nikki and Becca Mays at 4:45 PM 0 comments
MY heartbeat
My heart beat
A poem by : Nikki
Boom boom boom
Beats my heart
Skip skip skip
Does my heart
Go clop clop clop
I am me
I never skip a heartbeat
When I see you
My insides melt
I go dreamy
So seemly
Stare into space
My eyes go blank
I look right through you
I know who you are
I know what you are
My heart still goes
Boom boom boom
When I see
Inspired by Andrew, I'm over Zac.
Posted by Nikki and Becca Mays at 4:42 PM 0 comments
My Horsey Worsey
This is Becks! My fave christmas present was also my horse! She is a buckskin, her name is Lucy, but I call her Lulu. She is really energetic, and really pretty. Also, fun to ride! Our family has had a really big, really nice stable for like a long time, but we never had our OWN horses. Always borders. But now me and Nikki do! Here is Lulu: This is a REALLY good picture of her. Usually she doesn't take good pics. AT ALL! EVER!! Lol even as Nick!
Posted by Nikki and Becca Mays at 3:58 PM 0 comments
My fav christmas present!

P.S the picture is of what my black friesian, Shadow kind of looks like.
Posted by Nikki and Becca Mays at 10:12 AM 0 comments
I feel bad for Becca
I feel really bad for Becca! She can't hook up with zac. Wanna know why? I bet ya do, well she was already going out with him, but she broke up with him and now she wants to get back together. But we promised each other we wouldn't let a boy get in the way of our friendship, even if he's cute, sporty and funny and nice....where am I going with this! AHH!!!LOL! well anyway, she's in her room. I'm gonna go visit her.
It's hard. I can't make the first step to asking him out. though, lol. but i'm gonna try. WHAT AM I SAYING! I COULD NEVER DO THAT! many new things. I haven't dated for um...lets say......3 years, I was close to askin this kid dustin out though.....haha. Was I weird back then...
Posted by Nikki and Becca Mays at 10:05 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 13, 2008
The truth is.........Nikki and I BOTH like Zac. He is really nice. And cute. And he is super nice! I already said that, but it is worth mentioning twice. He plays all sports. He is SO good at basketball. REALLY good at Football. And pretty good at baseball but better at the other two. Hates soccer. He is our neighbor that we hang out with a lot.
Posted by Nikki and Becca Mays at 3:48 PM 0 comments
Eliza and Zac
Yeah I so totally agree with Nikki! It's really funny because Zac like just wants to get away from Eliza and she is all "Zac wait! Don't you want to hang out?" and he just starts to walk faster. Then she starts to run full speed at him, so he starts to run just to get away. lol it funny! Like one day he was playing basketball on teh court at our school, and she is like sitting there staring at him. Then we are like "Hey Eliza" *she just keeps staring* "Eliza!" *she just keeps staring at him* "ELIZA!!!!" then she jerks back to reality where Zac doesn't like her and says "W-w-what???" And we all roll our eyes and chuck the basketball at her so she'll start the game already!!! lol that is how it goes. Nikki, do you like Zac? JW
Posted by Nikki and Becca Mays at 11:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Blech! not bleach (like on the suite life of zack and cody) but BLECH!!!
Guess what Eliza did. She joined basketball just so she could go around and impress Zac (who thinks he's all that but hates Eliza as much as Becca and I do. He's annoying. He lives near us and when we go outside and he's outside, he follows us. He and his friends are stalkers! THE EVIL WRATH OF ZACALEB!! (zac and caleb mixed together)!!!! AHH!! wicked scary. But anyway. She like LOVES him, but it sooo funny, he like HATES her. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! But this is what they'd look like as manga people. FUNNY!!!
He's thinking, Omigod, leave me alone already. lol. And she's like, ohhh i love youuuu ZACCCC!!!!! and he's trying to run away and she's like ZACCYYYYY!! where are you going? (zack-ee). hehe. lol. i'm sure becca would agree.
Posted by Nikki and Becca Mays at 6:45 PM 0 comments
someone who i like....
Sorry Becca. I can't tell you who i like. I can't even admit to myself that I like him, even though I deep down, deep down really deep down know I like him. I just can't admit it to myself. Also, his real name doesn't start with J. But i feel crushed. I just don't know what to do.................
Posted by Nikki and Becca Mays at 8:30 AM 4 comments
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Makes me mad....
Have you ever had a teacher who has this favorite student and it is like their pet? Yeah, well I have one this year and it is not woking out so well! My teacher is seriously OBSESSED with not only math, Cammie, a girl in my class. UGH! She always says, oh Cammi, that was so nice, whenever we sing the star spnagled banner in the morning. She also always wants Cammie to be IN with everything. Like when me and my friend Annie were sitting at the table in the front of the room, our teacher said, "No way! Annie and Becca cannot sit together at the front table! How about Cammie, you can go sit with Annie at the front table!" Yeah, you see? Cammie also says things that are NOT true, lies basically. Like on this essay we had to write, I helped my frind Amber. She had some mistakes, and so I corrected them. Also, she needed help to come up with and ending. When we were done, she read it to Cammie. Then Cammie told the teacher (after Amber read it to the class and the teacher praised it) "I was the one who peer editted it with her, and there were some parts that were not right, so I changed them, and all if the mistakes she had I fixed" when I was the one who had done it all! I am over it, and that is only one example of what she does. Also, Nikki, who is your crush? You never told me.
Posted by Nikki and Becca Mays at 12:27 PM 2 comments
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Have you ever had the sensation where you liked a boy and he liked you back but you haven't gone out with anybody for a long time and people would think your weird. and you played hard to get? Well that's what it's like for me. I like someone but I haven't told anyone. Not even my BFF's, Becca or E.M. (her real name is Emiline) she likes being called E.M., or Laura, who i've known since I was 3 years old. Yes I know, i'm that bad. I just can't get over him. The last crush I had, he liked me back but he broke my heart. Just like that (snaps fingers).
But I am over him. I'm afraid my new crush will break my heart in two. again. it gets really hard at times. But i think i'll be okay. Maybe. Well. I gotta go think. Bye.
P.S. His name is Jarid
Posted by Nikki and Becca Mays at 3:55 PM 0 comments
My teacher
My teacher, as Nikki said, is VERY strict, and OBSESSED with math. LOL. But, she is really nice, well most of the time anyway, she is just strict, she is a lot HARDER nik's teacher, but not better or anything, and they have to work just as hard, but our teacher just gives us more, like they get probably ten pages of math a week, and we get at least seven pages a DAY! But still, we have all the same work, it is just tought differently.
Super Dooper Becca Becks
Posted by Nikki and Becca Mays at 1:39 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Why do people hate
Why do people hate? Like it really gets to me, even if they are jealous.They call me swears and bad things sometimes. I mean they call Becca and I bad things. It's not fair. Why does beauty come at a price?!?!?lol, no, JK. I like going to Chippewa Lake in Ohio, it's beautiful. But anyway enough about me and more about my life. lol. I finished a big assignment at school, unfortunately me and becca have been split up! cruel right? Well Becca's teacher is more strict (we go to a private school, yes, there are boys, but they are in a different wing). Her teacher is obsessed with MATH!!!!! Mine is obsessed with history. I like math more than history. Just because my teacher isn't as strict as Mrs. Hawthorne (becca's teacher) , people start saying she lets us do whatever we want and doesn't make us work a lot. Well that is a pure lie!! I hate lies!!! They drive me crazy. They do to everyone? don't they. Well anyway I miss Becca during the day, I always sit at my desk, in our school uniform, which is ugly but we have to wear it anyway, slapping my pencil against our scrap paper. Our school uniform has a tie, jacket, skirts and shorts. But everyone breaks the school dress code, and they can't do anything about it unless they want to lose money by expelling a student and having the parents not pay the tuition fee. So no one cares. You can't wear your skirts higher than your knees! Can you believe it, and in the summer, the same rule applies with skorts. The boys have it easy, they always wear they're pants and shorts however they want. But every girl wears flashy jewelry (it's against the dress code), the skirts and skorts at leats high than 2 inches aboe your knees, and some major redesigning of the skirts and shirts. Like girls will littealy take their uniforms home and reswer little patches or something cute and funky. All the things i listed are aganst the dress code.
Gotta go, so bye.
P.S. the uniforms in this picture kinda look like me and becca's uniforms, which we alter. lol.
Posted by Nikki and Becca Mays at 6:29 PM 0 comments
I know, I finally posted! I'm sure a lot of people have stopped reading this blog if they ever did, but come back now because we have started it again! Well we were both
really busy, and I forgot our username and password and stuff! lol Bad I know! But anyway, the May girls are back!!!
Posted by Nikki and Becca Mays at 6:12 PM 0 comments